Spring 2017 - Consortium Recap
The Consortium of Title IX & Equity Officers in Higher Education:
Baylor University, Texas A&M University, UT Austin and UT Southwestern Medical Center hosted the May 2017 Conference of The Consortium of Title IX & Equity Officers in Higher Education. Over two days, The Consortium had the privilege of presenting some of the nation's foremost Title IX and equal opportunity experts. Additionally, the conference provided an opportunity for the participants to benefit from the shared institutional knowledge from each of the participants.
Putting Ourselves back in the Narrative: Crisis and Opportunity in uncertain times
Keynote Presentation:
Nicole Eramo, Former University of Virginia Associate Dean of Students
Nicole Eramo, Former University of Virginia Associate Dean of Students
No presentation material available for download.
All of us who do title IX work on campus know of the Rolling Stone article, “A Rape on Campus” and its impact on the fight against campus sexual assault. The article both sensationalized the campus sexual violence climate and furthered a simplistic and well-trodden narrative of institutional indifference to the problem. The subsequent unraveling of the article’s narrative caused many to question the existence of a campus rape problem and returned us to a tried and true rape myth – women lie. Much has been written about the article and its ugly aftermath. Often lost in the coverage of journalistic failures and “catfishing” love interests, however, is a meaningful exploration of the widely held perception that colleges and universities are indifferent to rape and rape victims.
Nicole Eramo, the university administrator at the center of the now retracted Rolling Stone story, spoke about the trope of “institutional indifference” and how the shifting ground of Title IX and Clery compliance and media coverage of rape as a black or white issue has left institutions struggling to keep up with ever-changing regulations, opened well-meaning administrators to career ending attacks, and often grossly mischaracterized institutional practices and motivation.
Nicole Eramo, the university administrator at the center of the now retracted Rolling Stone story, spoke about the trope of “institutional indifference” and how the shifting ground of Title IX and Clery compliance and media coverage of rape as a black or white issue has left institutions struggling to keep up with ever-changing regulations, opened well-meaning administrators to career ending attacks, and often grossly mischaracterized institutional practices and motivation.
Investigating Intimate Partner Violence
Jeffrey Nolan, J.D. DINSE (Dinse Knapp McAndrew)
Jeffrey Nolan, J.D. DINSE (Dinse Knapp McAndrew)
Jeffrey Nolan addressed the unique issues that arise in investigating and dealing with intimate partner violence (i.e., dating/domestic violence and stalking cases.)
A book chapter that Jeff wrote on this topic is available for download (without charge) at: http://www.dinse.com/resource-center/news/nolan-book-chapter-available-for-download-news.html
A book chapter that Jeff wrote on this topic is available for download (without charge) at: http://www.dinse.com/resource-center/news/nolan-book-chapter-available-for-download-news.html
Problematic COnsent Issues: An Interactive Dialogue and Scenario Based Opportunity to Work
Through Complicated Consent Concerns (including Mental Health Issues)
Hayley Hanson, J.D., Partner - Husch Blackwell
Hayley Hanson, J.D., Partner - Husch Blackwell
Title IX and Athletics Hot Issues for Title IX Compliance Personnel
Scott Schneider, J.D., Partner – Fisher & Phillips
Scott Schneider, J.D., Partner – Fisher & Phillips
In this presentation, Scott discussed Title IX compliance, litigation, and practical issues for major college athletics departments, which included a primer on Title IX compliance obligations in athletics, an assessment of recent compliance activity associated with athletics gender equity, significant Title IX athletics litigation developments, the immediate future of compliance and litigation activity, and practical steps to ensure compliance and be in line with developing best practices in this area.
Advanced Issues in Title IX and VAWA Implementation
Gina Maisto Smith, J.D., Partner – Cozen O’Connor
Leslie M. Gomez, J.D., Partner – Cozen O’Connor
Gina Maisto Smith, J.D., Partner – Cozen O’Connor
Leslie M. Gomez, J.D., Partner – Cozen O’Connor
No presentation material available for download.
Updates on Significant EO and ADA cases affecting higher education
Hayley Hanson, J.D., Partner - Husch Blackwell
Lorinda Holloway, J.D., Managing Partner - Husch Blackwell
Hayley Hanson, J.D., Partner - Husch Blackwell
Lorinda Holloway, J.D., Managing Partner - Husch Blackwell
When Title IX and Free Speech Collide: Considerations in the Modern Political Age
Tamra English, J.D. – Senior Associate General Counsel - University of Texas System
Jeffrey Graves, J.D. –Associate Vice President for Legal Affairs – UT Austin
Tamra English, J.D. – Senior Associate General Counsel - University of Texas System
Jeffrey Graves, J.D. –Associate Vice President for Legal Affairs – UT Austin
Affirmative Action and OFCCP Compliance in a New Administration
Shafeequa W. Giarrantani, JD – Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
Derek Rollins, JD – Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
Shafeequa W. Giarrantani, JD – Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
Derek Rollins, JD – Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
Panel on Best Practices for Trauma Informed Investigations
Barbara Johnson, J.D., Founder – BLJohnsonLaw, PLLC
Jeffrey Nolan, J.D. DINSE (Dinse Knapp McAndrew)
James C. Dockery, JD (UT- Dallas)
Barbara Johnson, J.D., Founder – BLJohnsonLaw, PLLC
Jeffrey Nolan, J.D. DINSE (Dinse Knapp McAndrew)
James C. Dockery, JD (UT- Dallas)
Barbara Johnson has also graciously provided Inclusion Blueprint material regarding Recent Trends in Employment Law.
Download: Barbara Johnson's paper on "Recent Trends in Employment Law" and accompanying slide deck.
Institute on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
Caitlin Sully, LMSW – Director of Sexual Assault Research & Director of Strategic Partnerships, University of Texas at Austin;
David Carter - Chief of Police, University of Texas at Austin
Caitlin Sully, LMSW – Director of Sexual Assault Research & Director of Strategic Partnerships, University of Texas at Austin;
David Carter - Chief of Police, University of Texas at Austin
Managing Your Message in the storm
Jason Cook – Vice President for Marketing and Communications and Chief Marketing Officer, Baylor University.
Karen Kemp – Associate Vice President for Marketing Communications, Baylor University
Jason Cook – Vice President for Marketing and Communications and Chief Marketing Officer, Baylor University.
Karen Kemp – Associate Vice President for Marketing Communications, Baylor University
No presentation material available for download.
WVU Peer Advocate Program development, implementation, and expansion
James Goins - Director of Equity Assurance / Title IX Coordinator
Mariana Matthews - Senior Title IX Education Specialist for West Virginia University
James Goins - Director of Equity Assurance / Title IX Coordinator
Mariana Matthews - Senior Title IX Education Specialist for West Virginia University
No presentation material available for download.
Utilizing PeopleSoft for Data Collection
Dr. Darron Turner - Texas Christian University’s Chief Inclusion Officer, Title IX Coordinator, and Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action officer)
Dr. Darron Turner - Texas Christian University’s Chief Inclusion Officer, Title IX Coordinator, and Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action officer)
Institutional Leadership Session: Resources in times of scarcity and million dollar lawsuits.
- Presenters:
- Paul Liebman, J.D – Chief Compliance Officer, UT Austin
- Wanda Mercer, Ed.D. - Associate Vice Chancellor, UT System
Jump To a session Recap
- Putting Ourselves Back In The Narrative
- Investigating Intimate Partner Violence
- Problematic Consent Issues
- Title IX & Athletics
- Advanced Issues In Title IX & VAWA Implementation
- Updates On Significant EO & ADA Cases Affecting Higher Education
- When Title IX And Free Speech Collide
- Affirmative Action & OFCCP Compliance In A New Administration
- Panel On Best Practices For Trauma Informed Investigations
- Institute On Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
- Managing Your Message In The Storm
- WVU Peer Advocate Program Development, Implementation, And Expansion
- Utilizing Peoplesoft For Data Collection
- Resources In Times Of Scarcity And Million Dollar Lawsuits